Housing for People with Disability
Meanings of words
Hume runs your home and makes sure your home is safe. |
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is the home you live in.This type of home is for people with special NDIS plans. |
Supported Independent Living (SIL) providers help you with your everyday care. |
A guardian is a person that supports you and your decisions. |
Hume can help you
Hume has SDA homes across New South Wales. |
Hume and your SIL provider make sure you feel safe and happy in your home. |
Hume will work with you to find a home that you like. |
Who we work with
These are our partners: |
Do you want to live with Hume?
Talk to your guardian if you want to live with Hume.Your guardian can call us at 1800 004 300 to talk. |
You can see our SDA homes on Nest and The Housing Hub. |
Your guardian can email us at [email protected]. |
More Information