News: Lifestyle
Hume employee shares organ donation story to start life-saving conversations
26 November 2021
Hume Community Housing's Karen is hoping that by sharing her organ donation story it will encourage others to talk to family and friends about organ and tissue donation.
The future of community housing includes social solutions - CEO Nicola Lemon interviewed in The Fifth Estate
18 March 2021
Hume Community Housing's Chief Executive, Nicola Lemon was recently interviewed by The Firfth Estate to discuss the role of community housing and its role in social solutions.
Community is king for Armenians in Telopea
16 February 2021
Sonia Artinian is an active member of the Christian Armenian community in Sydney and no stranger to trauma. Her family left Syria in the 1990s to seek a better life in the West, but in 2011 Daesh (ISIS) looted and seized the property they kept in Syria, destroying the building in the process. There could be no return.
From pro footy to community
2 February 2021
Back in the day when Hume Housing’s new Customer Support Coordinator grew up in Campbelltown, fields and trees dominated the landscape. For former professional NRL footballer William, kicking a ball out in the country was second nature.
Kunarr Kayku: Aboriginal rugby league team is "one big family"
11 February 2020
‘Kunarr Kayku’ means ‘Strong Family’, and for Michael Heitmeyer, family is at the heart of everything he does for his under-17s Aboriginal rugby league team—both on and off the field.